Cargo remote deployment Tomcat7: Error writing request body to server

I tried to deploy a WAR into a TomEE/Tomcat7 application server and I received an exception: „Error writing request body to server„. No Tomcat log file has useful information about that.

I use maven with Cargo plugin to deploy via the manager application of the Tomcat.

The configuration of the plugin inside the pom.xml is:

<plugin><!--, -->
<path>${remote.deployment.path}/${project.artifactId}/DEPLOY    /${project.artifactId}-DEPLOY.war</path>

The command line is: mvn -X cargo:deployer-redeploy -P testsystem

In the internet I found two hints to solve the problem. First I checked the amount of bytes to send to the management application. There were some restrictions in the webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml file at multipart-config>max-***-size.

Unfortunately this wasn’t my problem. The second hint were the proxy settings. I disabled my Ubuntu network proxy. But I forgot the ~/.m2/settings.xml of maven itself. After I fixed the maven proxy setting no exception occured and the deployment was successful.